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What are the changes to Private Children Law in Birmingham?

On 28 May 2024, a reformed approach to private children law launched in Birmingham, called Pathfinder. This scheme has previously been piloted in Dorset and North Wales and has now been expanded to Birmingham. This means that all proceedings started after...

Employment Law Bulletin - July 2024

Employers who wish to avoid the risk of employment claims from departing employees are able to enter into a settlement agreement under which employment claims are settled.  Settlement agreements must follow a certain format and the employee...

Can I refuse to provide evidence regarding my new partner's finances during my divorce?

When the parties to a divorce exchange financial information through statements known as Forms E there is a question that asks for an overview of the financial position of new partners if you are living together or intend to.  You are asked to provide...

Employment Law Bulletin - June 2024

The Government has launched a consultation on plans to change the  Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE).  The consultation runs until 11 July 2024 and can be accessed  here . TUPE sets out...

Can a spousal maintenance order be varied in the future?

Following a divorce, the court has a variety of different powers to divide the couple’s finances and assets.  Usually a financial order would be in ‘full and final settlement’ of all claims and there would be very limit circumstances...

I am getting divorced and I don't want to take a share of my spouse's pension do I have to?

The short answer is no.  No one should force you into pursuing a settlement that you are not comfortable with.  If you want to take less than you have been advised you are entitled to this is your decision to make.  You can however expect your...

Employment Law Bulletin - May 2024

In the recent case of  Mercer v Alternative Fuel Group (1) Secretary of State for Business and Trade (2),  the Supreme Court was asked to consider whether s146  Trade Union & Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (TULRCA)...

Cohabitation Agreements

Currently, unmarried couples in England and Wales do not have any legal rights if they separate, this is very different to couples who are married. Many couples believe that if they have been living together for a number of years then this is classed as a...

How much Inheritance Tax will I pay?

Inheritance tax is a tax on the estate (the property, money and possessions) of someone who has passed away. A person’s ‘estate’ is made up of everything they owned at the time of death, this includes: Money, both cash and money in bank...

Non-court dispute resolution should be considered at "all stages of the proceedings"

The recent ruling given by Mrs Justice Knowles in X v Y (2024) provides insight and guidance to parties going through family proceedings about the need to continually assess whether their differences could be resolved out of court. In the present case, the...
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